Jerrod & Jessica Frideres  

American Hustler

Est.  9/11/22

I bought this company on 9/11/22 from Lee Brett.  A man who lived a

 “American Hustler”  was originally founded in 2014 by Lee Brett.   Lee was sued by Larry Flynt, Owner of the famous Las Vegas magazine company (Hustler) & many nightclubs.

Larry Flint's team of attorneys began bullying Lee to give up on his brand.  The attorneys tried numerous tactics to prevent his trademark from going thru.

Lee Brett's belief in himself & his brand kept him pushing forward.  He became his own self taught Lawyer over the multiple years the fight took.

Eventually, he won the rights to the name (American Hustler). 

He ecentully got one of the best hustlers of all time,  Larry Flynt - 

To drop the case!!!  

Thank you Lee for having the courage to fight.  

You once said to me.

"Everyone hustles at some point in life, can you relate?"

I said yes, of course.

He then said.

American Hustler - the premium quality brand that refuses to quit.

OUR  STORY (part 2)

 I picked 9/11/22 to buy the company from Lee.  The date 9/11 means a lot to everyone, but especially to us military folks.  Everyone knows what they were doing and where they were when 9/11 attacks happened.  ( Do you?)

American Hustler will continue to evolve over the upcoming years for the betterment of veterans & there family's.

 My name is Jerrod Frideres.

I am a 12 year veteran of military.  I was injured severely during my military service that gives me a permanent disability for life.  However, the best thing the military thought me over those 12 years was how to find solutions to problems.

The solution for me was Billiards.

For me, 8 Ball & 9 Ball saved my life.   In 1993 I suffered two major brain injuries in a 5 day period that very few people live thru.  It has caused a lifetime of problems including seizures, severe memory loss, vertigo, speech problems, migraines and even 1 stroke so far.

Billiards for me is like a medicine.  It gives my injured brain strategies & drills to figure out.  Every aspect of  8-Ball & 9-Ball helped my brain recover more every day.  

Eventually, after thousands of hours of practice, I got to nearly to the highest amateur level.

2 time (Iowa 8 ball Champion in the highest Division that is offered)  

  I compete all year to some extent for treatment.   When I don't play pool for a extended time, my headaches get much, much, worse.   Billiards keeps my brain in check most of the time.   I consider it a challenge, to try and overcome, 1 day at a time. 

With this brand (American Hustler), I want ultimately to help other Veterans get into 8 Ball & 9 Ball. 

Getting the VA & VBA to use billiards as a therapy for veterans with TBI, PTSD, Depression, Early Dementia or strokes.   This game is a completely untapped resource & has so much potential for people. 

 If you help me make this company grow. I will make amazing things with the money happen. 

I will use  a minimum of 10% of the profit each year for the betterment of veterans & there family in the game that has given me so much relief, billiards.

Thank You

Jerrod Frideres




May of 2023, I suffered a stroke or TIA.

I was extremely lucky I was playing 8-Ball while I suffered the mental effects of a stroke. I was competing in the 2023 VNEA 8 Ball championships in Las Vegas.   

I was playing and my left side of body started going numb, then my left eye started to get blurry.  I could not figure out the patterns I normally see on the pool table.

I blew it off. I was in Vegas, I thought I was just hot.  It was way to inconvenient for anything else.

Hours later I was beat 6/1 and my thought processes were really not working correctly. Plus,  I was developing a severe headache.

By now.  I thought something might be wrong and told my wife.   She told me to go to the ER and forfeit my next match.

She had to try a play on her team in the same event,.while I went to Dr.  I was not letting her come with me, because it would affect so many people.  Plus, I still thought it might be nothing.

Pool for me at that moment saved my life.  If I were working at a job, I would have blown it off.  But because I was playing 8-Ball, I felt the effects of the stroke coming on in my brain, way before I felt them.  

I make a plan for each ball before I shoot.  I have the whole table mapped out, then I shoot.   Excect today,  I could only comprehend minor things.  I would remember the first couple balls and forget the plan for the rest.  Something was mis-fireing & I need to believe it whether it was convenient or not.

I forfeited my next match & went to the Hospital.  4 days later I was released.   

I delayed too long because it was inconvenient.   Stroke symptoms are not going to be convenient.  months later,  the doctor told me that I probably had a stroke or TIA, but I delayed to long to detect it in my blood.

But it did get me to go to the doctor and saved my life.

I used billiards for the next few months to make my residuals slowly go away.

This game has the ability to fix brain issues in veterans and anyone else that suffers from brain inflammation.    It's like a miracle drug.   It makes you use all of your senses at once and drive the neurons in your brain wild.   

6 Months after my injury I still have minor symptoms, but I feel 85% of what I was and improving every day.

I expect to make a full recovery and to continue playing 8 Ball & 9 Ball.

Are you an American Hustler


